October 2021
When business start working with us, one of our first tasks is to make sure that their offering is completely clear. This means challenging conversations – often as part of our one-day immersive strategy workshops – that start to get the business thinking about what they do best and who they really need to be selling to.
The results of these conversations are often quite staggering, and result in real ‘light bulb’ moments for clients – who can suddenly see where they have been distracted and how they have moved away from the core business.
And in many cases, a fresh pair of eyes can see how to make the commercial offering stronger and bolder, which in turn helps to increase market share, allows for clearer communications and helps to bring the whole internal team together to work towards a common goal.
That’s exactly what has happened with Furlong Flooring. When the business came to us, it had a good market share and great brand awareness – but its products were sold under several different brand names and its target customers often weren’t aware that they could buy a wider range of products from a single supplier.
So we updated the brand, and brought all the disparate brands under one roof. This has allowed us to market Furlong Flooring as ‘The first choice for every room in the home’ – customers can buy carpet, hardwood, laminate, vinyl and LVT flooring direct from the business. And those customers are retailers and developers.
So we knew that by developing the brand to cover the entire offering, and by concentrating on talking to retailers and developers, we were making the business more competitive and more successful.
And it’s worked! At last month’s Flooring Show in Harrogate – one of the industry’s biggest events – Furlong Flooring was picked out by Stocklist Magazine as a brand who has an ‘increasingly sophisticated style as a one-stop supplier.’
It’s always great to get this unsolicited feedback – and it shows that the new strategy is having a significant impact on customers and commentators, helping Furlong Flooring to grow its business in the most focused way.
If you feel you can’t see the wood for the trees, why not contact us for an initial chat? We can talk through how we help businesses find their key focus and how you can plan and action a strategic marketing plan that helps you to get where you need to be.